Adventures with Purpose ⏬👇

The Adventures with Purpose is a special search and rescue team, helping people. The team works for people who have lost loved ones. In this way, it provides financial and moral support. It is based in Oregon and its founder is Jared Leisek. The team provides services to families with the donations they receive. Their website also has a separate section for donating.

Adventures with Purpose

Adventures with Purpose has solved cases involving 24 people. People on the team describe themselves as helpful. They generally work with security forces. They try to find the missing by diving and searching. Also, Adventures with Purpose is non-profit. So their goal is to really help. It has members who only spend their donations for families. They aim to help more families as they develop themselves.

Who is about US?

Adventures with Purpose embarked on an adventure on YouTube. The team members became famous for the videos they shot. In this way, they earned a certain income. The team also spent these revenues for families. As of 2019, they took part in 25 cases. They have made it their goal to deal with missing persons cases. Team also featured entertaining works on his Adventures with Purpose channels. They started making videos about lost items found. These items found under the submarine attracted the attention of the public.

What is Adad Adventures With Purpose?

Adventures with Purpose is a search and rescue team. It has a dedicated team. This team is typically involved in the following jobs:

  • Finding lost people
  • Solving cases of missing people,
  • Helping families who have lost loved ones,
  • Search and rescue and diving,
  • Giving financial support to the needy,
  • helping people in distress,
  • Removing lost items under the sea etc.

Can adventures with purpose solve cold cases?

Cold cases are forensic cases that have been investigated but not completed. It is usually a long time since these cases. The Adventures with Purpose also works with cold cases. They have solved many cases regarding this. Team members are more focused on solving cases. Every solved case is posted on YouTube channels. Some of the cases they have resolved are listed below:

  • Timothy Robinson – 12 year old missing
  • Ethan Kazmerzak – 7 year old missing
  • Nicholas Allen – 8 month old missing
  • Marine Veteran – 72 year old
  • Carey Mae Parker – 30 years underwater