Official Site ⏬👇 Official Site is a news and opinion website founded by Jim Hoft. It was launched in 2004 and has grown to become one of the most prominent conservative websites in the United States, with more than 1.5 million page views per day. This is the place where you can find all the latest news and information about Gateway Pundit, a news and opinion blog that has been running since 2004.

The Gateway Pundit is a top-rated conservative American political blog that has been featured in many major media outlets. The site was founded by Jim Hoft, who also serves as its editor. The blog’s motto is “Putting the ‘fun’ back into ‘politics.'” It is known for its entertaining style and humorous writing, as well as its willingness to publish unverified reports that are critical of Democrats or liberals.

Hoft has been criticized for his controversial statements on race issues, including one post titled “Black Mob Violence In The Suburbs Of Chicago.” He also published an article that implied that the 2012 Democratic National Convention was a site for voter fraud. It’s known for its conspiracy theories and inaccurate reporting.

Why got banned from Facebook, Google and Apple

It’s been criticized for spreading fake news during the 2016 presidential election, including stories about Hillary Clinton’s health and voter fraud. In 2017, it was sued by a British man who said he was falsely accused of being involved in a child sex ring.

The site has been banned from Facebook and Twitter.

Since its inception, it has grown to become one of the most influential conservative sites in the country. But on Monday morning, The Gateway Pundit received word that its access had been completely removed from Facebook, Apple News and Google News without warning or explanation.

Facebook does not allow hate speech but does not make its rules public. Twitter only bans hate speech if it explicitly calls for violence against a person or group based on race or ethnicity. Google prohibits hate speech on YouTube but otherwise allows it on its search engine unless it violates local laws or is “particularly harmful”.

Why can’t I visit to

The was banned by Google from its search engine results due to a post that cited the now-debunked “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory. The article, which claimed that Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta had been involved in a child sex ring, was written by Jim Hoft, who runs the site.

The post has since been removed and Hoft has apologized for it. He said in a statement: “I apologize to my readers for posting an inaccurate story about Comet Ping Pong, and saying I had an exclusive on lies when I did not.”

The website was banned from Facebook on Thursday after a post about an attack at a mosque in New Zealand was published on the site.

Facebook removed the article, which included a video of the attack and a link to another post that contained an image of the suspect’s manifesto, according to The Hill. is run by Jim Hoft, who said in a video posted on Twitter that he received no warning before his site was given the boot. He also claimed that Facebook had not given him any details about why they removed his site from the platform or when it would be allowed back up again.

“I was contacted by someone from Facebook who said my page has been unpublished,” Hoft said in an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson on Friday night. “They gave me no reason why.”

Facebook later released a statement saying that it had removed “multiple pages” for violating its community standards but did not specify which ones or what those violations entailed.