Who to Address Cover Letter to If Unknown ⏬👇

If you are not sure of the name of the person who will be reading your cover letter and resume, you shouldn’t address it to anyone at all. Send it to the general address, or post office box, if there is one listed on the company website. If you want to learn about Who to Address Cover Letter to If Unknown, continue reading this post.

You can’t always know the name, but you should still try to address a cover letter to someone. You may not know the person’s name, but you can find out who will review your application from company websites and LinkedIn. If that fails, address your letter of introduction to “Dear Hiring Manager” or “To Whom it May Concern.” And if there is no contact information for the hiring manager, send your letter of introduction to their assistant or administrative support staff.

Typically, you’ll address your cover letter to a person who is listed as the hiring manager or similar title. However, sometimes your resume may be sent to someone else for additional review or for reviewing specific aspects of the position description that appeal to them based on their skills and experience. If you are unsure about who will receive your cover letter and resume, it’s better to use general terms like “Human Resources” when referring to whom you are sending your materials.

Should I address a cover letter to a specific person?

If you do not know who to address a cover letter to, start by sending it to the name and title in the company’s website job posting. If you are inquiring about a job that is not advertised, then use the hiring manager’s name and contact information listed on the company website. If necessary, send it to the human resources department or whoever handles new employee inquiries. If you’re unsure about a company’s name or the contact person, then you should address your cover letter to “Dear Sir/Madam”. Depending on the format of the job application form, you may also need to specify a particular department within the organization. For example: To Whom It May Concern: My name is John Smith and I am writing to apply for the position of Marketing Manager with your company.