Why God does not Answer Prayer ⏬👇

There are many reasons why God may not answer your prayers, and we’re going to go through them all.

First, you might be asking for something that is not good for you. If you ask for a million dollars and then use it to buy drugs or alcohol, then God will probably not answer your prayer because he knows that using money for those things will hurt other people around you.

Second, you might be asking for something that is against God’s will. For example, if you pray for something and then later find out that it was wrong and bad to have done, then God will not answer your prayer because he knew it would lead to bad consequences.

Third, perhaps God already has answered your prayer in some way but you just haven’t noticed yet! Maybe he answered with someone else helping you out instead of directly answering himself; maybe he answered by giving you a new job opportunity; maybe he answered by giving you more time with friends or family members who needed help at this time; maybe he answered by giving you more patience when dealing with difficult situations in life—the possibilities are endless!

You want things to go your way. You want everything you do to turn out the way you want it to be, and if it doesn’t go your way, then you’re disappointed. You feel like God should magically make this happen for you if it’s what you want, but that’s not how life works.

Life isn’t always easy—and sometimes what seems like the best thing for us can actually be the worst thing for us. Sometimes things happen that we don’t understand and don’t want at all, but they end up being for our good. The reason God doesn’t answer every prayer is because He wants us to trust Him enough that when things don’t go as we plan or hope, we’ll still trust Him with our lives—and even more so when they do go as planned or hoped!

We need to learn how to let go of our desires and expectations and let God work His will in our lives through whatever happens—even if that means we have to wait longer than expected or pray more than once before receiving an answer.